Reclaim Your Hero

“The Cave You Fear To Enter Holds The Treasure You Seek” - Joseph Campbell

We can cater to wherever you are at on your journey whether you have only just answered the call, ready to fly or don’t have a clue what we are talking about, HumpDay Heroes is there for you!

Check out what resonates for you below

Site under construction… book in a call in the mean time and we can answer any questions you have!

Super Sessions

There is nothing quite like spending an hour with Alchemo or Rodillicus. When you have someone hold pure space for you to be fully seen in your experience and then together recreate your desired experience you get to reclaim your hero FAST.

The session rapidly accelerates your ability to be aware and find your own energy in the moments when you need it most to create the solutions that are best for the moment. You naturally become the Hero.

SuperHeroes Mentorship

You can apply to work with us ongoing where we can have regular super sessions as you need. There is no instruction manual or road map for the Hero only what life brings each and every day. We can guide you through each and every twist and turn to overcome Resisto whenever he shows up so that you can rest assured you’ll reclaim your Hero fast!