Creation Coaches
⬇️ Check Out Hero’s Stories Below ⬇️
⬇️ At The Bottom Of The Page ⬇️
My name is Alex AKA Alchemo and the only thing I’ve ever really been sure about in my life is that if im going to be happy I am to be of service to others. Life has and is always shaping me into what I am meant to become by showing me who I am not because I’ve always been open to guidance from something much bigger than me. I mean, there has to be more to life than what we can see with our physical eyes, theres too much mystery to just accept that. I’ve always been a seeker of truth. At the age of 27 I found myself living a life that didn’t really feel like my own. I was disconnected, disillusioned and in denial always looking for the next best thing or exciting thrill to get my kicks. I was never really here… Like you I’m guessing? So I asked for a change and I asked “to be an example of that change.” Boy o Boy – they say be careful (conscious) what you wish for… what I didn’t know at the time was how out of control my mind really was. How little discipline I lacked. How critical I was of myself and others and how I was extremely insecure on the inside even though I put on a different exterior. I was co-dependent and disempowered! Sound familiar?
I needed something to help harness the power of my mind that I had absolutely no idea about!
Its a scary thought to try change your life when you don’t have the tools needed to create that change. Its even scarier to imagine a full life of mediocrity just because ‘thats how the cookie crumbles’. I was a sparkie (electrician) back then working away on mine sites earning good money. But it wasn’t enough. Nothing has ever really been enough. Thats where I had to start. When I started to believe in myself, believe that ‘I am enough’ I started to observe myself through a different lens. Rather than needing external validation from others for my chosen path, I began to practice who I would like to become while being kind to myself when I forgot. I’m part human too so its ok to forget! Learning to be kind and compassionate to myself (and in turn others) as enabled me to accept myself flaws and all. When I did this I allowed something beyond intellect to take the wheel of my life. A super power felt like it was and is emerging. Life began to take on new meaning and hidden truths were revealed to me where once I saw only illusions and problems. These truths inadvertently returned me to who I truly am….
My own Hero!
So now I’m right back where I began. I am here awaiting your call. I will help you feel safe and accepted in your own skin and accelerate your awakening to the truth of who you are. I want to help you tune in and discover your inner hero so you can unleash your hidden superpowers to the world fearlessly!
My life’s path of searching lead me into leadership roles in society and career, management of business, entrepreneurial ventures, business consultant, trainer and facilitator and body health (Bowen Therapy).
Always feeling driven through sheer willpower to succeed, pushing through the internal battle of
who I saw myself as and who I wanted to be, I was exhausted. Frustrated, feeling like a handbrake was always on, resulting in a lack of any real impact, I turned within. Letting go of all ideas of myself and the stories I created about myself, I discovered my true self. Answering the calling to let that true self be the hero in my life. Undertaking that quest to cross the threshold of transformation set
me on a whole new trajectory and reality.
We cannot be help what happens to us, but we are responsible for not staying there and for moving beyond it. I believe nothing I see is real, only the perceptions of my experience becoming my truth
which can change at any time. That truth, our beliefs, determines how we think, act and behave and ultimately our future. The world I see is of my own invention!” (A Course in Miracles), and its only
true for you…until you decide to change it.
I love to be of service, helping individuals and leaders who desire to be a hero in their team, business or life path yet feeling stuck in their old energy and beliefs.
My purpose in life is to clear the path to finding truth about life and one’s own self, helping anyone who has ears to hear and uplifting those who know there is a hero within groaning to bust free, who feel they are going crazy when no one else understands, to flow, act and lead with inspiration rather than lack and limitation.
I don’t have all the answers, but I don’t need to. My role is to encourage you not to give up, to know you’re not going crazy, and help clear the blockages to find the source of your answers and all wisdom within yourself. I do this with the artillery and armoury I have gathered along my own quest which I impart to you.
This is my superpower (and yours too actually).
Heroes Reclaimed
We are humbled to be participants in this wonderful adventure with amazing people. The courage shown by individuals to Reclaim their Inner Hero and start living through it is something we can’t and won’t stop doing! Check out Liz’s story below ⬇️⬇️⬇️
More Adventures To Come…